World Prematurity Awareness Day
Monday 17th November 2025

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Did you know that 1 in 10 babies is born prematurely?
You can help us raise awareness, celebrate and remember babies that have been born too soon.

Get Involved
If you know of buildings or landmarks that would be keen to support us, please complete our 1lluminate Me form. If it's not possible this year, please let us know if you'd like to assist with raising awareness in the future.

People have chosen to Go Purp1e in supporting our #1in10Babies campaign by fundraising through bake sales, wearing purple, lighting their house or producing special events of their own.

Share a pic
Once you know your local landmark will be illuminated, share it on social media channels. Use our social media and tag @sscbcharity, using #PrematurityAwarenessMonth #1in10babies
Amazing people at NNU
The staff at Edinburgh’s Neonatal Unit have kindly shared a few words for World Prematurity Day
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