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My son Jakub was born 3 months premature in June 2014 by emergency C-section. When I went into labour with Jakub I contracted sepsis and if it hadn’t been for the quick thinking and fast reactions of the wonderful staff I would for certain be telling a different story today.

I remember the moment a tiny 3lbs baby was placed on my chest; Jakub had made it!

Over the next few days I went from being in a hospital bed, to a wheelchair & finally able to walk again. Spending every minute by Jakubs incubator hearing the beeps, all the tubes, the C-Pap it was overwhelming.

1 week in Jakub stopped breathing, my world came crashing down. It became apparent that the Sepsis had passed to Jakub and his little body was struggling. Once again, the staff looking after Jakub were angels! Jakub required a lumbar puncture and other tests to ensure his brain etc wasn’t effected and when I was informed he was okay the relief that came over me was too much.

Jakub then went from strength to strength. From incubator to cot. To feeding. To wearing clothes! To finally coming home.

Fast forward nearly 9 years later I have a healthy happy boy who is excelling in School and other activities!

Not a day goes by Edinburgh Royal Infirmary & Simpsons isn’t spoken about. I have never experienced such an exemplary level of care that was given to both my son & I from all the amazing staff!

I will never forget any of you for what you did for myself & Jakub. You will always hold a special place in our hearts. The work everyone does is beyond any words can describe.

Paula Kelly

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