We were contacted by Noah's father Simon as he wished to share Noah's story with everyone. Many thanks to Simon for sharing it with us, and here it is in his own words:
After reading so many experiences of Simpson's parents and babies on the website I have been meaning to send a brief history of our son, Noah, who was a Simpson's baby in 1996 and has recently reached 18 years old.
Noah was born at 31 weeks in May 1996 weighing 3lb 11oz. His Mum, Fiona, had had quite a few problems during pregnancy, including multiple admissions into SMMP, and it was touch and go on several occasions as to when Noah would be born. Noah was born by emergency caesarean section and taken to the special care unit. He spent about seven weeks in the unit and had a few problems during his stay but the unit staff helped us all cope so well with this worrying time and we were able to take him home close to his expected due date.
In the SMMP he was on a ventilator for a while and was a little anaemic but he coped with these issues and progressed well. After he came home he needed some further investigation into a minor kidney/ureter issue but this did not need any further intervention and has not caused him any long-term problems. Noah made up for his early appearance over his first few years and by the age of four or five was reaching typical weight and height targets. After this, there was no stopping him. At the age of eighteen he is the tallest of our three boys, has played rugby for his school at Murrayfield (and won!) is an exceptionally talented musician currently studying music at Napier University and makes us proud in many ways.
I thought it may be a little reassuring for other parents to know that while an early arrival is a worrying time and problems can and do occur, Simpson's is a wonderful place staffed by the most caring, approachable and professional people, giving your child the opportunity of the best outcome. I have attached a couple of 'before and after' photos of Noah.
Kind regards, Simon